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OnTo Independence

Mountbatten proposal

After discussions with the chief political leaders in India, Lord Mountbatten made a proposal for the transfer of power. Having obtained the sanctions of the British government, he announced the plan on 3rd June 1947. The proposal was as under:

  • As there is no unanimity about the constitution, partition of Indian has become imperative. India would be divided into two states, India and Pakistan.
  • The provinces of Punjab and Bengal would be divided according to the decisions of the Muslim and non-Muslim members of their legislatures.


  • The decision of the amalgamation of the North-West Frontier Province, British Baluchistan and Silhet district in Assam into either of the two new states should be based on plebiscite in these regions.
  • The Sindh Legislative Assembly would determine whether Sindh should be amalgamated with India or Pakistan.
  • The British administration would leave India in august 1947, handling over rule to India and Pakistan, two sovereign States. A border commission should be appointed to define their borders.
  • Princely states should decide for themselves whether to join one of the two nations or to remain independent.


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