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Today the 11-Oct-2024 is 285th day of the year, 81 to follow. |
On 23 May 2023 UPSC declared the final result of Civil Services Examination (CSE), 2022. A total of 11,35,697 candidates applied for the examination, eventually 933 candidates (613 men and 320 women) were recommended by the UPSC for appointment to various Services.
S/he said it |
Some are born great, others achieve greatness.~William Shakespeare
Avinash has mailed it.
Attention |
State civil services officers will now have to face a Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) test and interview for their promotion to three All-India Services.
with the Date |
On October 11, 1995 Americans Mario Molina and Sherwood Rowland, and Dutch scientist Paul Crutzen won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for warning that CFCs are eating away Earth ozone layer.
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